O.K. since entering the cyberworld years ago through work in the mid to late '80's, I never imagined that people could share information in the many and various ways available now. However, the present is still amazing to me and so is this blog.
My reasons for wanting to blog are many. They all stem from my love of writing, reading and music. While I am fortunate that my work allows me to write and get paid for it, the type of writing is not my favorite and does not allow for much creativity or self-expression. In my world of work I write about how auto accidents happen or why the damages paid were reasonable and necessary based on the mechanism of an accident. I also write about injuries and property losses, both commercial and personal. While I am very good at this and prevail in almost every case against the other party, it leaves me flat. The victory is short lived when I think of what I really want to use my abilities for.
The writing I would choose is not only more creative, but much more diverse. My daughter would say that I tell the best stories, many that have been penned to paper. Poetry, song lyrics and serial stories like I used to read in the newspaper when I was growing up are also areas where I have ideas and unfinished projects to complete. One serial story I remember was 'Santa and the Ice King.' It ran from Thanksgiving, or thereabouts, to Christmas back in 1970 or '80 something. I have it saved in a box somewhere in the basement. Putting together a series of children's books would also be a glorious and fun accomplishment for me. (Although anything requiring illustration would require the help of an artistic friend since even my stick figures are a bit lacking) There is even a cookbook with my grandmothers recipes out there in the wings of my life's stage that I long to complete.
So my reasons for blogging......I want to write, share my writing and receive constructive criticism on my work in order to improve. After all, I am not interested in writing for myself alone. My heartfelt desire is for others to read my stories or poems or lyrics, etc. and find something special, unexpected, or even familiar within.
So as you follow my blog, read my work and make a comment or two, or three as you like. Just remember, if the criticism is not honest and fair, if it is not given in kindness, I will simply ignore it. I understand what it means to open myself up in this way to others and am willing to accept the criticism or edits suggested, but only if given in kindness and the spirit of helpfulness. So friends, thank you and I hope you enjoy what you will find posted here.
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