Wednesday, December 9, 2015


This is just a fun blog to share some of my favorite Christmastime songs with you and to get you thinking about lyrics and how they can bring meaning to music.  Song lyrics are like poems, and songs are a marriage of words and music, two of my most favorite things. 

The lyrics of Christmas and holiday songs are special.  From the spiritual to the fun loving, all of them evoke certain images and feelings in anyone.  Even those who aren’t religious/spiritual, enjoy these songs because they resonate with joy, fun, love and hope. 

I have a lot of favorite Christmas carols and songs.  Some are favorites because of childhood memories.  Others are favorites for personal or spiritual reasons. 

A Christmas Carol favorite is Away in a Manger.  As a small child I loved that there was a lullaby for Jesus.  I remember singing it to my dolls at Christmas when I got ready for bed.

My parents had a number of albums of Christmas from different countries.  From the Christmas in England album I learned that there was another melody for Away in a Manger. This alternate melody has become my favorite.  The lyric remains the same.

Away in a manger no crib for a bed
The little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head.
The stars in the sky looked down where he lay
The little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay.

The cattle are lowing, the poor baby wakes
But little Lord Jesus no crying He makes.
I love thee Lord Jesus look down from the sky
And stay by my cradle ‘til morning is nigh.

Be near me Lord Jesus, I ask Thee to stay
Close by me forever, and love me, I pray.
Bless all the dear children in Thy tender care
And fit us for heaven to live with Thee there.

What tremendous memories a song and its lyric can retrieve from hidden secrets that lie deep within each of us.  I find myself singing this song when I feel stressed or out of touch with my spiritual self.  There is a calm that comes from placing yourself  as a child at the feet of ones God.

My favorite Christmas fun song is Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.  This is the first holiday special I remember watching on television when I was little back in the 60’s. 

Nowadays, I love to sing this song with my daughter.  We’ve been signing it since she was tiny.  We always start by singing out the names of the reindeer, that’s her favorite part.

You know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen
Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen.
But do you recall the most famous reindeer of all?

Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer
Had a very shiny nose
And if you ever saw it
You would even say it glowed.

All of the other reindeer
Used to laugh and call him names
They never let poor Rudolph
Join in any reindeer games.

Then one foggy Christmas Eve
Santa came to say,
“Rudolph with your nose so bright
Won’t you guide my sleigh tonight?”

Then how the reindeer loved him
As they shouted out with glee,
“Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer
You’ll go down in history.”

Who doesn’t enjoy this simple story?  It’s one of many songs that were turned into television specials for children.  Some others include Frosty the Snowman and Santa Claus is Coming to Town.  These started out as fun children’s songs for the holiday and became endearing, long lasting holiday television shows.  If not for the gifted lyricists, these songs would never have been made into shows. 

Do you have a favorite holiday song, poem or story?  Do you return to that favorite every year to bring the memories, feelings and images back as part of your celebration?

Feel free to share with me in the comments.  I’d love to hear about your favorites.  Happy holidays!  Merry Christmas! Happy Hannukah!  Happy Kwanzaa!  And a pleasant greeting to all who celebrate in any way at this time of year!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Writing Prompts ~ 3 ~

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then shouldn't we be writing those words down somewhere?  Every time I see a beautiful scene or picture of just about anything, my mind wanders.  A story forms or I become inspired to write about it or describe it. 

Writing prompts can be a way to trigger or inspire words from anyone, most especially writers.  It's a great way to practice or even try a different style of writing.  I like to use prompts to help me get started on stories.

When my daughter was very small, she would get a story before bed.  Most of these were made up and most were inspired by an idea or character that she would ask for.  Some things she'd ask me to tell a story about include, a particular Disney Princess, the board game Candy Land, and Strawberry Shortcake (from the children's cartoon show).  

Many of my poems have been inspired by images, nature, or pictures.  Others have been inspired by a person or a particular trait of someone I know, like my grandmothers laugh.  

I have been very lax in writing poetry lately because I was working on writing stories about my uncle who passed away recently. As my thoughts wandered to all the memories lurking in my brain and heart about my uncle, I decided that the best way for me to mourn him was to write them down.

The stories about my uncle are on my Wattpad account in a new work called "Choose to Smile."  Here's an excerpt:

Every year, around Easter, my family would drive out to visit them. My brother Keith, my Grandma Bang, and one parent would go along with either me or my sister (we had to take turns).
New Hampshire was like a dream when I got to go. On my very first trip I slept in the spare room all by myself. That first morning I remember waking to strange noises outside my window. The sound was rustly and crunchy and huffy. I lay in bed listening for a while until my imagination and curiosity could not be held back another minute. I climbed up to look out and saw three horses wandering around outside my window. They were nibbling at the ground and pushing at each other. They huffed out their noses as though the air was too cold. Finally they sauntered out toward the street.

I knocked shyly at my uncle's bedroom door and said, in an almost unheard voice, "There's horses outside my window. Can I go see 'em?"
All I heard was excited voices from behind the door. In a flash, my Uncle and Aunt were both bolting out the front door in coats and boots.
"Louise, what's happening, honey?" My Dad asked in the dark hallway.
"Daddy, there are three horses outside! Can I go see 'em?" I asked sweetly.
The next thing I knew, my Dad was running toward the door with boots and a coat too. Apparently, the horses weren't supposed to be walking around outside the house.
So, writing prompts can come from anywhere and your response to them can take many forms.  As usual, I'd like to present another picture writing prompt.  

I hope this isn't too scary for you, but it is the Halloween season, after all.

How does this image inspire you?  Write 150 words story or 3-4 stanza poem from this image.  Hopefully you will post this in the comments below and share with me and others.  

Here is my offering from this image:

She’s finally left, thought the evil presence behind the wall.  Slithering toward the mirror, tap, tap, thud, thud, harder and harder it knocked on the wall.  One small crack was all it needed to penetrate the other side and escape.  First the wall, then the mirror gave way to the insistent efforts.

An icy chill emanated from the fractured hole with razor sharp edges.  Slowly, the image of evil appeared from behind the wall.  Staring out from an abyss of darkness, the grayish creature had a visage of resentment and hatred. 

Noises came from outside the room. 

Now’s my chance, thought the entity, slinking back into darkness.

Bursting into the room, a tall, thin and lovely woman dressed in a flowing organdy gown covered in lace and pearls fairly floated toward the mirror, humming.  Seeing nothing amiss, she placed a vase of flowers directly beneath it on a table.


That was fun to do.  I hope you like my interpretation.  Please keep writing.  Use prompts if needed to keep you going.  Also, please share your writing prompt offerings in the comments so others may enjoy them.

Keep Calm 
Keep Writing

Friday, September 4, 2015

Know Yourself as a Writer

Recently, I was trolling about on a few writing blogs that I follow and found a post about knowing yourself as a writer.  Click here to access that blog post.  The author presents an exercise to help clarify reasons and motivations for writing as well as setting some goals.

Knowing your motivation and goals for writing, regardless of genre, theme, or style can be critical in your success, especially if you strive to make a career as a writer.  

When working on this exercise, I found myself feeling torn.  On the one hand, I write blogs for others and earn a bit of money.  On the other, I write my own blogs for practice and to express or share things that are meaningful to me.  On yet another hand, not sure where I get this hand from, I write poetry for myself and occasionally for others.  If my poetry is published, then it's an exciting bonus.

Would I love a full career as a writer?  I'm not certain.  While I enjoy writing and believe that I have some skill/talent, I'm not sure I want it to be my career, at least not right now.  Do I want to be a full time writer someday?  Yes, I do very much.

My answers to the questions in this exercise revealed an important fact about my writing that I need to change or I will not move forward, I need to spend more time writing.  Honestly, I spend too much time on wasted activities during my non-working hours.  It's a constant struggle, as I'm sure most can relate to.  In my own words from my post on August 3, 2015, "to be a good writer, you have to practice writing."  I hereby pledge that I will write for at least one hour everyday, 'cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!'  (Yes I will quote, and even swear an oath, from My Little Pony)

Another thing I learned about myself as a writer is that I write to tell stories.  Stories have always been a way for me to share my own thoughts, feelings and experiences with others.  I believe that I have always been a storyteller and always will be.  There are just multiple ways that I enjoy sharing a story.

What I have discovered about myself as a writer by answering these few seemingly simple questions is so enlightening.  Read through this post on Writing Forward and see what you learn about yourself. This blog is a very good for any writer of any genre or style.

Just by perusing some writing blogs that I enjoy, I found an exercise that has revealed some important aspects of myself as a writer.  In another six months to a year I'll answer these questions again to see if I've changed at all. I'll post my results here.  Comment below on how this exercise affected your outlook on writing and your knowledge of yourself as a writer.  I'd love to know more about you and your writing.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Time to Write

I’ve definitely been struggling to have/make time to write lately, whether it’s writing for this blog or just for me.  If you too have this problem, hopefully some of my ideas will inspire you.

Have/Make Time
Because everyone’s lives are different, there are no magic tricks I can provide to give you the time you may want or need to write.  I can only tell you that, if it’s important enough to you, you will have the time

Write First Thing
Writing first thing requires coffee for me.  If I have that, then I can grab paper and pen or my laptop to get started.  I do like to be inspired, even for a blog, but sometimes I just write whatever’s on my mind, like journaling.  The mere act of writing is an exercise in putting words to paper. 

If you’re not a morning person, like me, find a time when you’re alone and can concentrate, perhaps after the kids are in bed.  Grab a cup of tea and off you go!
Writing Prompt/ Write with Someone
Writing from a prompt is a good exercise because it can take you outside your comfort zone.  It can also just be fun.  Spontaneously, and for fun, my daughter and I write a jingle to replace a really bad one from a commercial we just watched. 

Usually I write with my daughter.  At times, I help her with ideas for her stories or edit them.  We also work on our own projects at the same time.  We make writing dates with each other, like every Thursday night. 

If you have a friend who writes, whether local or long distance, make a date to meet up, face-to-face or on line, to write together.  Each of you can come up with a writing prompt then make a date to share your results.  I have an out of town friend with whom I do timed writing prompts.  During a phone conversation we set a theme or idea then call each other back in ‘x’ minutes to share what we did. 

Write on Break
Whether you work in or outside your home, breaks are a time when we move away from our work tasks and relax.  Writing should be relaxing, at least I think so.  Move to a comfy spot with your writing materials, or go get a snack or drink, then open up to a new page and get started.  Maybe you just want to write some thoughts, maybe you’re working on a story or novel, or maybe you want to write a poem.  Make sure to watch your time or set a reminder on your phone so you aren’t late returning to work.

I hope you got some ideas from me and can find a way that works for you.  Remember, to be a good writer, you have to practice writing.  TTFN, Ta-ta for now!

Monday, July 27, 2015

Spiritual Inspiration

Without entering into a lengthy and probably controversial discussion of spirituality or beliefs, I want to discuss how I have been inspired and share some of my writing with you.  

My spirituality or feelings of connection with my God come at times when I am contemplative, under stress, relaxed or are unexpected.  During some of these times I find myself talking to him and even creating something in my mind.  Do you know those times when words just start to form and you have to write them down, those times when you are talking out loud to yourself?  Those are the times when I know I am being inspired to write.  So, I write.

Unfortunately, I can't remember exactly what was going on in my life when I wrote this, but I called it 'A Psalm' for a reason.  When I was first discovering my faith as a Christian, I read the Psalms A LOT!  I connected to them because they are poems, song lyrics, direct messages to God.  I wanted to have (and still want to have) a directed link to God.  David wrote many of the psalms as his expressions of great emotions toward God.  Sometimes he was angry, sometimes he doubted, sometimes he expressed deep faith and love.  The overall feeling of this psalm is a desire for connection, not wanting to be left behind or forgotten.  I can see a strong desire for hope and belonging.  Also, I believe that I needed spiritual strengthening.

A Psalm
By Kimberly L McClune, January 18, 2013

Diffused light from the bright morning star
Emanates through a maze of frosted branches.
Fingers of illumination pattern the blue tinted ground.
A glowing countenance gracefully peers from beyond
Bearing a measure of hope to my longing my soul.

Oh, light that brings peace and love
Renew my spirit, fill the depths of my soul!
Shine your light in and through me.
Reveal your truth to my hardened heart.
Shower me with fulfillment and joy!

Do not deny a weakened spirit.
Open a portal to the inner sanctuary
Hardened by disappointment and fear.
Pour out your soothing balm to cleanse
And heal the wounds left by an ordinary life.

Oh, mighty and righteous giver of peace,
Wondrous lover of needy and aching hearts,
Let your love reign in my gasping soul,
Lift up my wounded spirit,
Wash me clean of all wrongdoing.

Heavy heart, wounded and sore
Hold fast to that one remaining thread of hope.
Don’t loose your grip, but cling to it
As if nothing in the world can move you.
For this is the path to enlightenment.

Hope does not fail, love does not leave
Peace is never far away.
All around are signs of faith and healing.
Open the heart, the mind and the spirit

And all shall enter in, together at last.

Whether you are Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, or have any other faith, we can all relate to similar spiritual needs.  We want the belonging and the comfort of a faith in something greater than ourselves.  I encourage you to embrace your spirituality as it relates to writing and see what you come up with when you bring the two together.  Writing as an expression of yourself, for some, is the only way to write.  For others, writing can be a way to escape yourself.  

Monday, July 6, 2015

Writing Prompts ~2~

In this post, I’ll be giving you some ideas for writing prompts, as well as sources for finding them.  Perhaps, I’ll even give you an example of one or two of mine. 

As I’ve discussed in previous posts, the best way to get better at something is to keep doing it.  Practice, like with an instrument or a sport, will help you to get better.  Getting better and seeing improvement in your own ability is one of the best ways to be inspired, at least for me, to keep working at it. 

Writing Prompts are a great way to challenge yourself to try new things, new themes, new styles and new genres of writing.  I find they can help to bring me out of a slump too.  There are many different types of prompts. 
If you’re a story writer, a good source for writing prompts could be the newspaper.  Review the headlines to find a situation or story that interests you and, without reading the newspaper’s article, write your own article or story.  Or, you could buy books that have prompts like, The Writer’s Book of Matches or 1001 Prompts to Ignite Your Fiction.  I found out about this from Writer’s Digest
online.  You can find it on Amazon or at a local bookstore.

On the website Creative Writing Now,, you will find hundreds of ideas for writing poetry, as well as tips and advice, and a bevy of other helpful things that writers like to poke around and read. 

You could chose to write about an image or painting or other visual stimuli you encounter or peruse in the course of your day.  You can also simply search for images of a certain thing, situation, feeling or word on your favorite internet search engine, like Google.  I searched ‘images for peace’ and got a load of “Peace Sign” images and doves holding olive branches and people holding hands, etc. 

Here’s a writing prompt with a visual for you to contemplate and write a poem for.  It can be any type of poem in any form, just use this prompt as your inspiration.  Try giving yourself a time limit for your piece.

                                                       The sun is rising.

Here's what I threw together in 10 minutes based on this image and these words.

Misty sunlight scrunches my eyes.
Still water slides past my weighty and sluggish strokes
As the long night turns to new day.

Faded, the world drifts past.
Molten gold swallows my oar as it pushes on
While daylight unfolds before me.

I would love to know what you come up with from this prompt.  It would also be great to hear from you about where you get ideas for poems and what inspires you. 

Keep writing and watch how much you improve with the practice.  

Other online sources for prompts:

Friday, June 26, 2015

Culture in Poetry

Being partly Irish, I am drawn to the overall culture and all things Irish.  I love music so I listen to Irish tunes quite often.  I have an extensive collection of Irish poetry and stories and love to let my eye wander over pictures of the Irish landscape.  Oh, I neglected to mention my love of Irish food!

I’ve been reading some of the Irish poets lately, W.B. Yeats, Thomas Moore, Patrick Kavanaugh and Oscar Wilde to name a few.  In my poetic contemplation over these beautiful works I began to notice a great sense of the Irish culture itself within them.  Each piece gave me a different sense of who the Irish are, what is important to them and how they live, think and believe. 

Some themes I’ve culled from the works I’ve read are the importance of family and relationships, love of the land, the importance of history to everyday life, strength of spiritual belief and a great love of life and living.  The Irish are a very proud and expressive people.  They carry their hearts on their sleeves and live every moment as if it’s their last.  Humor sustains them through thick and thin and their ability to survive is second to none.  All of these qualities of the Irish come through when reading their poetry.  I consider them to be some of the strongest poets our world has produced. 

If you’ve ever wondered why the Irish are so much in love with their homeland, then you’ve never been there or lost yourself in pictures of the beautiful, magical landscapes and architecture of this incredible island. 

In his poem The Lake Isle of Innisfree, W.B. Yeats expresses his desire to return to the peace and beauty of his home from the wild and raucous streets of London. 

And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow,
Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings;
There midnight’s all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow,
And evening full of the linnet’s wings.”

Poet Patrick Kavanaugh expresses the deep love of a man for his mother in his poem In Memory of My Mother. I love his optimism for seeing her once again when he, himself, passes into heaven and his wonderful memories of her very essence. 

And I think of you walking along a headland
Of green oats in June,
So full of repose, so rich with life –
And I see us meeting at the end of a town.

On a fair day by accident, after
The bargains are all made and we can walk
Together through the shops and stalls and markets
Free in the oriental streets of thought.

While these are only a couple of examples of great Irish poetry, you can find many sources for them in your local bookstore or on various websites like the following:

Find some beautiful images of Ireland here:
Christian McLeod Photography:
Inishowen Photography –
Images of Mayo Landscape Photography of County Mayo, Ireland by Eamonn McCarthy–
Irish Dew Landscape Photography –

Try an Irish dish from:

Perhaps you have a favorite culture or are from a particular culture that also has beautiful poets.  Do some reading and see if you also find that the culture of the poets home is carried into the work of the poet.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Word Choice

When writing in any format or genre your choice of words is important.  This is likely quite obvious to most, but perhaps not to everyone.  In my experience, when editing or even writing the first draft of a poem, I choose words carefully.  Some of the things I consider are meaning, flow, sound, rhyme, rhythm, and sometimes even spelling.  

Each choice depends on what effect or meaning, images or thoughts are behind the work I’m creating.  For instance, in my poem “Smoke” I took quite a long time to decide the words to describe the smoke patterns and qualities.  

“Clinging to the air, fluctuating,
Gradient translucence shifts in silent grace.
Amorphous fog, ethereal silk
Drifts away then subtly coils and spins.”

The word ‘amorphous’ was selected because of its meaning, as well as its sound.  Likewise, the word ‘ethereal’ has a sort of fantasy quality to it (at least to me) and it was fitting for the images I was describing.  I chose silk because its movement as a fabric was mimicked by the movement of the smoke.

There are times when my vocabulary needs a boost while writing.  At these times I turn to a dictionary or thesaurus for ideas.  Keep in mind that too much reliance on these tools can be obvious in your writing.  If I get really stuck for words I like to write out a list of possible choices then insert them into my piece.  It’s like trying on clothes to see what fits and looks the best.

The most important part of word choice is that you find what works for you and for the piece you’re creating.  Having the words flow with your voice is crucial to success for your writing.  I have friends or my father read my works in progress.  They’ve always been able to tell if I had been through the thesaurus too heavily.  

Enjoy writing and playing around with words to complete your writing pieces.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Reading to Write

Yes, I believe that you must read if you are to write.  You might ask why.  If you did, then my short answer is that there is much to be learned about an art by experiencing how others have produced their version of that art.  If you did not ask, then the previous sentence is of no importance to you.

Moving on, here are a couple things I’ve gleaned about writing by reading.

Style or Voice:
After reading some of my favorite poets, Frost, Whitman, St. Vincent Milay, Sandburg and Dickinson (to name just a few) I discovered that each has a different style, despite writing in the same poetic form.  For instance, if you read one of Shakespeare’s sonnets and then a sonnet by Sir Thomas Marlowe or Ben Jonson, the feel will be different.  They’re different people using the same poetic form.  However, they each write with their own style.

This realization made me want to find out if I have a poetic style and what that is.  My style is my own and I don’t know how to describe it to you.  If you’ve read my blog and the poems interspersed herein, you should be able to discern it.

Phrasing and Rhythm:
There is a rhythm to the way people write.  I see this plainly in Shakespeare's plays.  I can feel the movement and the scene unfolding by listening with my inner senses to the rhythm of the words. The way the words are linked together in phrasing has a certain feel that differs from his contemporaries.

Read with Diversity:
So, reading anything can give you information, inspiration, intoxication and increase your imagination.  Don’t become fixated on reading poems to try to improve your poetry.  Read anything that interests you.  Perhaps you like mysteries or Stephen King novels, but write very lyric poems.  Without judgment, go with the rhythm of the words fluttering around in your brain, heart and soul.  They will come forth in your own special style.  

Write with Diversity:
We are wordsmiths, are we not?  Just as a blacksmith must know how to make various tools and objects, so must a writer.  I dabble in several different forms of writing and differing genres.  Writing poems strengthens my writing skills for other forms and vice versa.  

Stretch your wings and see where reading can take you.  

Friday, May 8, 2015

Editing a Poem

As a girl, I loved reading poems, especially rhyming ones.  Back then, I didn’t realize that poems can be, and often are, edited to make them extra special.  In my youth, I had written a number of little poems, one about a leaf floating by my window and at least one about love.  I never edited them, I wrote them just as I thought them up. 

In 2010 I wrote a poem, and it was edited, a lot! 

It was August and, while driving to work, I was staring at the most beautiful configuration of clouds I thought I’d ever seen.  My first inclination was to hold that moment in time somehow to share it with others.  Not having a camera, and being in bumper-to-bumper traffic, I struggled to find a way to capture the image.  So, I started describing what I saw out loud to myself.  I broke down my thoughts over and over again until I had a piece that was very short and made me remember the exact scene I had witnessed in the heavens.

Once I reached my office, I rushed to write down the short verse.  It was never edited again.  At the time it was exactly what I wanted, and still is.  Here is that quaint, descriptive little poem: 

August 2010

Radiant tiers brushed with light
Fanned out across the sky
Gracefully reach for the earth

The way I edited this piece was all verbal.  I kept searching for the most descriptive words I could to paint this picture in my mind’s eye.  This is essential for a good poem; the reader should be able to imagine the same feelings or vision as the writer.  Some poetry is written for the writer alone, some to invoke feelings, others to tell stories, and some to bring an image to the mind of the reader (and…this is a short list).  Look for descriptive, vivid words, or phrases that bring immediate images or feelings to you.  If you are convinced, your reader will be also.

Try to use metaphors and similes in your poems.  (This is an area where I’m weak)  A metaphor is like a symbol for something.  For instance, a family is like a tree with each person representing a branch.  A simile is a comparison, like being ‘as black as night’ or ‘as white as a swan’ or ‘as happy as a lark’ to name a few.  These can be very powerful for creating an image for your reader, especially if you use a common one.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Stress and Poetry

Certainly I'm not the only one who has read books on stress and tried many methods to reduce and deal with it.  On this lifelong journey, I have learned and also become more frustrated. 

Sometimes frustration comes when I feel I’ve conquered my stress then something changes causing more stress.  It’s also frustrating to know that I, myself, am the cause of much of my own stress.

Perhaps I’m not alone in these frustrations!?

Things I’ve Learned:
Many things have I learned in this process/journey thus far.  I’m trying to keep this part short so I’ll just give you two.  The first is that stress is always present in our lives.  The second is that we are each in control of the stress we encounter. 

Dealing with it:
Well, if stress is always present and we are in control of it, then where is the answer to my question of how to deal with, or reduce, it?  That’s next.

Poetry is one way that I deal with stress. 

Little phrases come to me out of the blue sometimes when I’m working out a problem or feeling stressed.  I try to write down these little tidbits.  Because they were born of my stress, I hang on to them and savor them, whether they’re good or bad. 

By doing this, I can see inside my stress which helps me process the cause of my stress.  Writing these thoughts down helps me peel away the emotional part and work on the intellectual part of a situation. 

Sometimes these little phrases become a story and sometimes a poem.  Regardless, they’re an expression of the emotion of my stress.  Releasing that allows me more energy for solving or dealing with the issue that plagues me. 

Here is an example of a poem written last fall that was born of a stressful time:

Kimberly L McClune
September 29, 2014

Blank and silent
My empty brain lolls and sags
Lacking gumption to fight for thoughts
Disappearing in a foggy haze of forgotten people,
places and

Sullen and alone
Nothing enters and nothing leaves
Only a void where intelligence reigned
Distant memories of visions,
dreams and

Strapped in
Cornered in a lonely room
Scattered cobweb strewn furniture
Dusty pillows and torn drapes decorate the discarded dwelling

Barren synapses
Spark-less power outage
drained reserves

Beleaguered and neglected, non-existent cognitive activity

While this is a fairly solemn piece of writing, remember that it was born of my stress and was instrumental in helping me put aside the negative emotions so that I could work on solutions.

As unusual as this topic is for a poetry blog, I find that whatever brings me to writing is important in that process.  Therefore, I believe it may be important for others as well.  I hope you have enjoyed, or at least not turned away from, my blog.  Good day and keep writing, no matter why and no matter what.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Regain Inspiration and/or Creative Focus

What can a creative person do when there is little inspiration and even less focus for their craft?

Well, some may go on retreats or hide away.  Some may turn to stimulants or drugs to push away the world, listen to music or steep themselves in a favorite pastime.  What an individual does when inspiration or focus are gone is as individual as the individual.  Some, like me, may turn a bit silly and say or write silly things to get the juices flowing again.

In this regard, I created the following ludicrous poem in an attempt to start typing on the old keyboard for a totally creative purpose.  My endeavor was to make myself rhyme and count syllables.  Neither of these are things I practice when I write poetry.  I tend to let the form and manner of my writing be dictated by what I am attempting to convey in the work.

So take this little ditty as a form of inspiration to inspire you to get past those moments when inspiration is on holiday.

Rhyming Fun Counting Syllables
Kimberly L McClune
April 10, 2015

Home alone,
Alone at home
Never on the telephone (7)
Seeing things that I am shown (7)

High and low
Low is high
Perhaps way up in the sky (7)
Going there where I can fly (7)

Thinking now
Then I think
Knowing that I think I know (7)
Thinking that I know I think (7)

Above below
Below above
Many things that I can show (7)
Showing all the things I know (7)

Truth or lie
Lying truth
Do you think that you are sly? (7)

Lying as you travel by (7) 

Now that you've had a good laugh at my expense, or now believe me to be totally insane, I bet you feel a little better about that lapse in creativity you've been struggling with.  Take heart in knowing that you’re not alone. 

Keep writing, or doing whatever creative activity charges your soul with life energy.  The above poem at least brought a smile to my face and heart through the mere act of creating it.  I could go on writing about this and you could go on reading, or we could both stop right now and get on with it, now that we’re inspired of course! 

Enjoy your creativity! J

Monday, March 9, 2015

Silver Morning - A new poem

Sadly, I have had many troubles and life issues to deal with that have taken the desire and inspiration to write poetry from me for a very long time.  However, the winter weather a few weeks ago interrupted my depressing self-dialogue and I penned the following in response to the world that greeted me that morning.

Silver Morning
By Kimberly L. McClune
February 11, 2015

A window frames a fragile scene.
The morning ceiling is layered in gray and white
And a diaphanous haze clings above the glassy sidewalk
That glows golden in a hidden sunrise.

Becoming a part of it,
Illusion shifts to reality
As I take my first steps.

The air is thick, dusted with fog.
Yet a silvery light surrounds me,
Simple, delicate.
It engulfs me.

Tufts of new fallen snow hug every surface
Fluffy and white, dense and rich
Winter boas cling to trees and rooftops
Softening the form of a hardened world.

With the many changes that I have recently undergone in my life, I am planning to spend more time in the practice of writing, not just poetry, but short stories and articles and anything else that comes to mind. 

I have learned that writing that be healing or cumbersome, enjoyable or a chore.  For me, it is a way of healing, rejoicing and completely free self-expression.  When I need to write, I am forced to do so by my very soul. 

May you enjoy this poetic offering and take inspiration from it to read more poetry or do your own creation with words.

Enjoy your impending Spring and I hope to write more very soon to share with you.