Saturday, July 23, 2011

Revised poem post

Below is the final revision of a recent poem. 
Join a Writer's Circle at a local library.  The ladies in the group are nice, fun and appear to be quite talented.  This is a very good opportunity to share your work, any genre is accepted.  I'm looking forward to the next meeting, the first week of August.  Presenting the following poem for critique.  Hope you enjoy it.

High Rise Thunder
By Kimberly L. McClune
May 24, 2011

Muffled rumbling,
Long and low across the sky,

Sustained drum roll,
Resonant explosive charge
Detonates in the air.

Sepulchral vibrations,
Dampened roars
Linger, echoing into the distance.

Growling barrage
Reverberates, shrouded and soft
As the storm slowly abates.

Hoarse peal of thunder,
Murky and inhibited,
Fades, cloaked in dull clouds.

Restrained whispers,
The stifled booms,
Choked and Distorted,

Remove to the hills
Beyond the soggy,
Sodden landscape.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Tough night

Put this up on my FB page.  It was a tough night with my daughter.

There can never be too many hugs, too many 'I love you's,' too many pats on the back.
There can never be too much hand holding, silent walks, breezes whispering secret messages, colorful sunsets.
There can never be too much togetherness, too much laughter, too much music, too much peace.
There can never be too much you and me, there can never be too much love.