Moving on, here are a couple things I’ve gleaned about writing by reading.
Style or Voice:
After reading some of my favorite poets, Frost, Whitman, St. Vincent Milay, Sandburg and Dickinson (to name just a few) I discovered that each has a different style, despite writing in the same poetic form. For instance, if you read one of Shakespeare’s sonnets and then a sonnet by Sir Thomas Marlowe or Ben Jonson, the feel will be different. They’re different people using the same poetic form. However, they each write with their own style.

Phrasing and Rhythm:
There is a rhythm to the way people write. I see this plainly in Shakespeare's plays. I can feel the movement and the scene unfolding by listening with my inner senses to the rhythm of the words. The way the words are linked together in phrasing has a certain feel that differs from his contemporaries.
Read with Diversity:

Write with Diversity:
We are wordsmiths, are we not? Just as a blacksmith must know how to make various tools and objects, so must a writer. I dabble in several different forms of writing and differing genres. Writing poems strengthens my writing skills for other forms and vice versa.
Stretch your wings and see where reading can take you.